Empty Cages 🐾 Furever Homes

Hello my name is Catti LaBelle!

Catti LaBelle the Pirate Cat is usually carousing the cattery – She might be resting in the sun from general scallywaggery or plundering a nearby food bowl, which she’s done a bunch of times, because no human can stop her from pillaging for booty. Other times she even makes it inside the captain’s ship (aka the office).  But this one-eyed, grey stripped gal, …

Hello my name is Lewiston Bittlebees!

LEWSITON BITTLEBEES is a huge Harry Potter fan and, like Harry, he was orphaned and left to survive on his own on the street of Wichita Kansas.  Lewiston Bittlebees is a chonky cat and part Kneazle, which is a magical being, specifically a beast that closely resembles cats found in the Muggle world.  Lewsiton Bittlebees is full of …

Hello my name is Taco Ninja!

You can’t keep a good cat down, and Taco Ninja is no exception!  Taco Ninja is a handsome cow print cat who recently lost one of his front legs. This doesn’t stop him from leaping into laps, enjoying snuggle time, or from commandeering dog beds (and treats) though! This sweet boy is 9 months …

Hello my name is Tallullah Pickles!

Hullo dahlings! I’m Tallulah Pickles, and I have very strong views on the proper habitat for my gorgeousness, which involve hovering servants (you), a warm spot to rest on (your lap), and luxurious accommodations (your bed). I also require that I am the only Queen Bee in the house and …